@PARAFILTR ON = @HEAD24 L/A = AUTOMATIC SOFTWARE MANUAL @SUB 18 L/A = Install This manual demonstrates many of Ventura<@146>s unique features. It shows how you can automatically: create side-by-side paragraphs, number paragraphs and lists of figures, create footers which change to reflect the current topic, and bulleted lists using your own custom graphics, as well as anchoring graphics to text. @FRAME ANCHOR = <$&1[^]>Anchor 1 @BULLET = Frame Anchoring: The paragraph <@147>above<@148> this one (it really sits <->directly to the left of the first line of this paragraph) uses the Frame Anchor tag. The text of this tag is set to White, so it is invisible on the page. If you<@146>d like to see where it is, go into Tagging mode, click right above the graphic and click near the bottom of the right-most arrow (don<@146>t click on the text above the balloon as it is <@147>Box Text<@148>). This tag places your graphics in the outside margins of the page. If you want to see the frame anchor itself, select View/Show Tabs & Returns. You<@146>ll see a <@147>degree<@148> symbol. Move your cursor until you see the words <@147>Frame Anchor<@148> in the status area at the bottom of the screen. To edit the anchor press ^D or click on Paragraph/Edit Special Item. This example uses the <@147>Relative, above anchor line<@148> anchor type. It<@146>s a good idea to set Frame/Sizing Scaling/Flow Text Around to Off for graphics (and captions) in the margins. If your text moves and you want the frames to catch up, select Edit/Re-Anchor Frames. @KEYSTROKES = F12 = Body Text F2 = Head24 L/A @BULLET = Keystrokes: The text to the left of this paragraph uses the Keystroke style. Notice that it appears on the same line as this paragraph and uses no additional vertical space on the page. Keystroke paragraphs can be as long as the paragraphs they are next to, but not longer. You can allow them to wrap naturally, but if you want to start a new line you will need to press CONTROL-ENTER, instead of just ENTER. @HANGING = <$&![-]> This paragraph uses a custom bullet created with a frame anchor. This frame anchor is different from the first one on the page because it uses a different type of anchor<@151><@147>Relative, automatically at anchor.<@148> This anchor type moves frames with text in real time. It will also duplicate frames if you insert more than one anchor with the same name. @HANGING = <$&![-]> Here<@146>s an example. This paragraph begins with another frame anchor with the same name, so the graphic has been duplicated. @HANGING = <$&![-]> To use this feature, use the <@147>Hanging<@148> tag, insert a frame anchor set to <@147>Relative, automatically at anchor.<@148> Press TAB to move to the normal text margin and type the rest of the paragraph. You can also insert these anchors using a word processing program. Look at this text file in your word processor to see how it<@146>s done. Note: This tag is not justified because Ventura does not support tabs in justified text and this tag requires a tab to align the first word on the first line. @BOX AROUND = This tag is called <@147>Box Around<@148> and uses the <@147>Ruling Box Around<@148> feature. @SUB 18 L/A = Auto Footers Notice that the footer is different than the one on page 1. Ventura updates the footer to reflect the most recent Sub 18 L/A tag, like the one to the right of this paragraph. @KEYSTROKES = F4 = Keystroke F5 = Bullet @BULLET = This paragraph uses the normal Bullet tag. This applies a bullet and indents the text. @NUMBERED LIST = This is the <@147>Numbered List<@148> tag. It will automatically place a number at the start of the paragraph, but this number is really in a separate paragraph. @NUMBERED LIST = The numbers are aligned on the period that follows them. @NUMBERED LIST = The numbers start over automatically after a paragraph of body text. This is the body text. @NUMBERED LIST = Notice that the numbering was reset to 1. @NUMBERED LIST = To renumber, press ^B, or select Edit/Renumber Chapter. @Z_TBL_BEG = COLUMNS(4), DIMENSION(IN), HGUTTER(.0690), VGUTTER(.1110), BOX(Z_hidden), HGRID(Z_SINGLE), VGRID(Z_SINGLE), KEEP(OFF), L3(R0C0..R0C4), L1(R4C0..R4C4) @Z_TBL_BODY = TABLE HEAD, TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY(@Table Head)<$!C2,5,0,0,0,0,12>, +, +, + @Z_TBL_BODY = TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT, TABLE TEXT In Case of Fire: @Table Text<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Use Extinguisher<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Call 911<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Run screaming from room<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255> In Case of <->Earthquake<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Stand in doorway<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Get under table<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Run screaming from room<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255> Nuclear War<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Prevention<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Disarmament<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255>, Run screaming from planet<$!C5,5,0,255,255,255> @Z_TBL_END =